Friday, 15 July 2011

Streetskins Illuminated Roller Shutter Advertising - Advertise on 350 shutters of the UK's largest independent, neighbourhood newsagent for as little as £3 / day / shutter

To whom it may concern,


We have obtained the rights to advertise on the shutters of the UK’s largest independent newsagent’s shutters.


This would be ideal, but not limited to, Telecoms and FMCG related products.


From our analysis it is estimated that this portfolio of sites captures an estimated 31% of traffic (derived from the London Traffic Report).


This is excellent for brands looking to reach a predominantly youthful audience in a social or entertainment environment.


Please view the rate card here:







Andrew Field


Tel:   +44(0)20 8123 2373

Mob: +44(0)79 6399 3285

Fax:   +44(0)20 7681 1890

Skype: andrewlucienfield


Address: Streetskins Ltd, Vantage House, 1 Weir Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8UX



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